Levitt Capital Management (LCM) is a hybrid fiduciary advisory firm, offering fully compliant investment advisory and tax strategies for U.S. citizens who are also European residents. We are « hybrid » in that we provide advice on both US and Global continually changing investment and tax issues as well as on local European financial and pension products. We provide the explanations and the answers to respond to your questions.
Unique to this group, as US citizens, you are subject to taxation on your worldwide income from both the US (based on citizenship) and Europe (based on residency). You may also appreciate local expertise in dealing with local pensions and other financial products from your country of residence. Negotiating this complex financial landscape demands specialized advice from a firm like ours.
As an American in Europe, you also face restrictions on both US and European investment products due to compliance issues. Many banks and brokerages in the US will close your account if they find out that you are a fiscal resident overseas. Some US investment products may not meet European regulations, while European offerings may not align with IRS regulations. Unlike most European or US based financial advisors, LCM uses both US investment strategies and custodians (for IRA and retirement type accounts) and European investment strategies with European custodians in conformity with the US-European Tax treaties, to optimize your potential risk adjusted returns.
We help you in transitioning to Europe, in designing and managing tax and regulatory compliant portfolio strategies, in assessing estate planning options, charitable giving, in understanding European pension products and other tax favorable European financial products as well as a full range of financial planning activities including the receipt of inheritance, divorce planning, retirement planning and more.
LCM works on both an hourly fee basis for consulting and advice as well as on a management fee for any assets under our management (AUM). Minimum portfolio size for AUM is 1,000,000€.